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The Power of Storytelling: In Person Masterclass

Learn to persuade through narrative subconsciously and effortlessly by simply telling a story.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

With The Power of Storytelling Masterclass learn why stories are such an important weapon in your arsenal.  Acquire the skills to develop a story and incorporate it into your business practices.

Unleash the Power of Storytelling and discover how you can: 

  • Build relationships, earn trust, and empower selected individuals

  • Convey your honesty and passion

  • Make your key facts easy to remember

  • Create a memorable structure and theme

  • Bring complex data to life

  • Improve your presentation skills

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Make Stories Matter

The Power of Story Telling Masterclass

  • Oct 16th

  • 9:00 am to 5 pm MT

Early Bird Pricing



If you sign up before Oct 16th

Who is this for?

Do You Want to Get What You Want?

Persuasion through Narrative offers hard-hitting, eye-opening training that enables participants to identify and harness the science of storytelling to engage, motivate, inspire, and persuade.  

The science of storytelling works. Whether your goal is to fire up a company to move in a new direction and achieve new goals…to get a team to work together and share a common vision…or to simply be more impactful in your presentations, one-on-one meetings, or team meetings. 


By understanding the reasons why audiences are compelled by story, individuals will identify how to craft a compelling story using the facts and emotions in a deliberate way, allowing your audience to connect at a deeply human level.

You become a better leader.

The Power of Story Telling Masterclass

  • Oct 16th

  • 9:00 am to 5 pm MT

Early Bird Pricing



If you sign up before Oct 20th

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- Pam O'Mara

"Everyone should take Matthew's storytelling workshop at least once! Matthew is a superb coach, director, and instructor. I learned an amazing amount about performance, storytelling, and how to structure a story in an amazingly small amount of time. I'm a slow learner... He's a genius!"

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Who is Matthew Taylor?

Award-winning author, professional actor, storyteller, and narrative coach has been entertaining and teaching audiences throughout the United States and internationally for the last twenty-five years.

Transplanted to Colorado from the small sailing village of Itchenor, England, Matthew is a partner of A.C.E. Entertainment, which has written and produced over twenty-five original shows. 


His book, Goat Lips: Tales of a Lapsed Englishman is an Amazon bestseller, received the Independent Publishers Book Awards Gold Medal for Humor, and was a National Indie Excellence Awards, and USA Best Book Awards Finalist.


Matthew not only teaches storytelling but also loves telling stories. He is a two-time Moth Story Slam winner and a Denver Moth Grand Slam Champion.


He formed Persuasion through Narrative in 2010 to teach communication and leadership skills through harnessing the power of story and has gained a strong reputation as a speaker and business educator, especially within the legal profession, educational institutions, and with entrepreneurs. 

Matthew loves to bike, ski, sail, and is a proud husband to Susan, and father to Maitland and Alastair who keep him laughing constantly.

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